Wild Love Tantra Festival Iceland

Arabella Morgan
Initiated in her love of physical Acting and healing through movement, Arabella has dedicated the last 11 years to her personal healing and awakening. Motivated by her supernatural experiences as a child and throughout her life, she is initiated into different shamanic traditions. Arabella is an advocate for entrepreneurship and after her business degree supports businesses in the early stages of their business.
Arabella’s teaching, mentoring programs, and workshops focus on the connection between mind, emotions, body, and spirit (The shamanic Medicine Wheel). She is always studying and downloading new modalities. Through her own healing journey she has found a calling and has started to work with the mysteries of intuition and the senses.
Arabella has recently become a Bestselling author, her co/authored book was published in January 2021. Wild Woman Rising tells the inspiring stories of 27 brave women who are listening to the whispers of their hearts and carving their own path in life.https://www.facebook.com/bellamorganxx
Connection Alchemy
This workshop explores the Alchemy of connection to self and to others. Through a series of embodiment experiences alone, witnessed, and in connection to others.
We will explore the polarity and relationship we have to our mind, bodies, emotions, our voices, and our energy centers.
We will journey together to capture aspects of ourselves that remain dormant or are rarely animated, and then we will explore this connection with others.
This is deep work. Expect to move your body and your energy.
Bring light clothes and water.
The workshop is for people over 21 years old. Nudity is welcome.
Divine Rage
A journey to embody and harness our divine rage.
We will journey into the womb of the Dark mother to find our divine rage and embody it.
The aim of this workshop is for us to experience our frustration, anger and rage on a multi/dimensional level.
Rage when stagnant can cause a realm of issues in the physical, mental, emotional and energetical bodies. Rage is meant to move and when integrated and harnessed is a catalyst to change and movement.
Just like fire, it burns away all that is in its way only to leave a clear path.
Divine rage calls us from inaction to action, from cowardice to bravery, and from chaos into order.

Bruce Lyon
The founder of Wild Love Movement
Bruce loves to explore the places where the personal, planetary and cosmic journey meet, and to guide others on their initiatory journey into the life force that lies behind both the esoteric and erotic dimensions of love.
He is the founder of Highden Temple and Shamballa School.
At the moment his energies are going into

Elsa Rós
Here to enjoy life and explore, love to dance especially at waterfalls. Free flow dance helped me discover the love for my body and life again after a though period. I believe we are our own healers and that our body holds wisdom for us. I offer 1:1 sessions where you are softly and safely guided through your life transformations by tapping into your inner compass with Soul-based coaching modality.
Women Ecstatic Dance
We will tap into your body wisdom and mysteries by moving exactly as it wants to move. We will explore moving in softness and what makes you feel sensual. Women only workshop to create a safe space for diving deep into your being and open fully to the love flowing in through your temple.

Eva Luna
Eva Luna is a yogini, meditator and a musician. She learned yoga both in India and Costa Rica. She has taught yoga for some years, teaches meditation at a university and facilitates cacao ceremonies and mantra circles. With the power of her playful grounded presence, charisma and experience with space holding she will offer a safe space to explore different elements of your voice, breath and sound.
Tantra & Music
An exploration of the sensation of sound, playing with our voices and the breath in a sensual way. With drums - we move the energy in our pelvis and sacral
With the melody and harmonies - we move the heart and spirit
Bringing us to a euphoric state of the senses.
We will work with opening up our voices, feeling creation in our bodies and singing together along with cacao. Creation and singing in a deep, real, heartfelt, sensual way of connecting to oneself - deeper and with a partner. We will work with breathing, opening up the sacral and throat chakras - opening up the voice while eye gazing with a partner and having playful fun with songs.

Frida Svensk
Frida works with the body and mind in an expansion approach to healing through
Yoga, NLP and Tantra Therapy, as a deep and intimate exploration with yourself. A door opening into your own world of reality.
She gives Tantra therapy sessions, yoga classes, arranges women's circles, Tantra workshops, retreats, and Dakini temples in her home country Sweden.
She loves to see people stepping outside their comfort zoon and supporting them in their growth.
Full of Life Yoga
Find yourself deeper, trust the body in the present moment, allow all feelings to be shown, and tune into pleasure.
Tantra Yoga is a way to connect with yourself through movement, breath, sounds, and self-touch. It's a way to release tensions in the body and calm the mind.
It is about finding the presence and acceptance in what is, allowing the body to feel pleasure and express itself.
Express your truth
Let the obstacle lose control and allow your authentic self to be seen
Take place, raise your voice, do NOT step back, we will hold each other when it gets scary!
When we step out of the comfort zoon we expand the body and mind.
In this workshop, we will create safety and talk about our obstacles and learn to know them differently so we easier let them go.
You will practice body and voice expression and be seen in your most authentic self. You will witness and be witnessing the power of self-love.
The intention of this workshop is to heal through acceptance of who we are with the support from others acceptance. To feel loved in what is, leave the comparison and accomplishment behind and feel an affinity.
Reprogram the belief system and start to believe in YOU!

Fredrik Swahn & Janie Pederson
"Let your passion for life be stronger than your fear of failure."
Janie is a Tantric Sex and Relationship Coach and she loves to create transformational spaces for people to grow and evolve in. She has been running her online business called Tantra Mama for almost 2 years, where she combines parenthood with sacred sexuality.
She equally loves creating workshops that allow for participants to explore Tantric Love Rituals and a deeper connection with themselves, their body and their highest potential of pleasure.
Fredrik Swahn is a professional artist with over 25 years of experience, a certified voice coach after studying at the Royal Music Academy of Stockholm and one of the most radiant workshop leaders!
Fredrik has formed and led various men groups and tantric couple retreats throughout Sweden. He has been on the tantric path for more than a decade and is continuously longing to drop into deeper authenticity with the people around him while sharing his passion for conscious connections and sacred sexuality.
Fredrik’s love for running transformational workshops is often framed by the powerful transmission of his live songs that inspire participants to open up to more vulnerability, presence and expansions of their hearts through sound, breath and true intimacy.
Open me - for Brotherhood
Exploring and finding brotherhood in our vulnerability and power. Connecting Through authentic sharing, bodywork, breathing and singing our souls out in a safe tantric space.
Yoni and lingam exploration
Join us for an exploration of the Yoni and the Lingam through a heart opening sharing, orgasmic breathwork and a slow, gentle and nourishing genital massage.
Come with a partner that makes you feel safe. Ideally one of you has a Yoni and the other one a Lingam.
Come a little closer - Lovemaking concert
Join with your partner for an hour of heart opening meditation and music that will take you on a sensual journey of connecting, vulnerability and playfulness through music and voice.

Gísli Rafn Guðmundsson
Gísli Rafn has been facilitating events for the past four years. His main approaches has been with Meditation and KAP (Kundalini Activation Process).
His vision is to encourage awakening to the infinite lifeforce within all beings. Becoming whole, allowing creativity and inspiration to see our dreams manifest, which is authentic and personal to each one of us. He hopes that this may result in our true gifts, medicine and uniqueness to be shared on our path together.
Sacred sexuality meditation
Guided meditation where we will explore our own sacred sexual energy. When awakened, it can be a potent gateway to restore hidden or suppressed aspects of ourselves. It can be a beautiful journey, creating deeper self-love and reigniting desire.
The workshop includes a journey through the chakras, where we shed light on any suppressed sexual aspects of each chakra. Additionally, we will experiment with the microcosmic orbit method, exploring the depth of our own sexual energy. At the same time remaining our connection to Hara, meaning our connection to the two polarities, source and earth.

Joy Mittens
Joy mittens is a shamanic sexuality facilitator and guide. She is fascinated and excited by the subject of sexuality, in particular the way that bringing sex into the equation is a most potent medicine to bring up all of our shit for us to see and work on. It’s juicy and meaty and uncomfortable as hell. Her training has mainly been with ISTA and Highden. She facilitates workshops, offers 1 on 1 shamanic sexual healing sessions, online coaching, and also makes art.
Being at home in your body
Every body is beautiful. Every body is capable of pleasure. Every body is worthy of love and pleasure. Celebrating our bodies and bringing attention and love to the parts of us that we struggle to love and accept.
Can you look at yourself in the mirror, with no cloths, no makeup, no striking a post, and truly love every thing that you see? We are bombarded with advertising that makes us feel inadequate so we buy the latest beauty product or exercise regime. We are made to cover our bodies from an early age because showing them is shamed, ridiculed or dangerous.
This workshop is to bring compassionate attention and loving touch to this miraculous animal that carries us faithfully through this lifetime. To feel the preciousness of every texture, every sense receptor, every movement that our bodies allow us to experience in our incarnation.
My blood is fucking sacred!
A workshop about menstrual blood. Meeting the roar of the wild woman who will not fit into society's box of acceptable femininity. All genders may attend but the focus will be on those in female bodies. If you are bleeding you are very welcome to bring your blood to the alter.
A warrior cry for all the years of being shamed for a natural part of every woman. Of needing to hide it, to use "sanitary" products, of our feelings being invalidated because it's "our time of the month".
This is what it means to be a woman. We bleed. We cycle. We are connected to the moon and the ocean. To nature and evolution. There is infinite wisdom here. It's time to claim it.
All genders may attend but the focus will be on those in female bodies. If you are bleeding you are very welcome to bring your blood to the alter.

Júlía Ottarsdóttir
has been hosting cacao ceremonies since 2013 with loving and caring guidance using deep heart meditations, singing, ecstatic dancing and embodiment practises along side her pure hearted presence. Júlía has studied with shamans/mentors all around the world as she started her spiritual journey at the age of 19 years old . She is an embodiment facilitator, dancer, ceremonialist & a wisdom keeper of the earth. Júlía lives on a magical island in the artics called Iceland & she has devoted her life to deep soul transformation & heart centred consciousness, helping others to find their way back home into their hearts & unravel their unique gifts. Her greatest passions in life is to assist other souls come alive within their very own being.
She has been using the heart opening medicine, ceremonial cacao, to create a safe space for peoples inner work & processes in their awakening journey as she assist people all around the world.
Júlía hosts weekly ceremonies & transformative retreats all year around.
Plant medicines, sacred sounds, human connection & connection back to the natural world is what she lives for and brings forth with passion and drive.
Iceland is her origin and she carries the medicine of that land in her soul.
Sacred Cacao Ceremony - The inner flowering of sovereignty
An opening, Cacao Ceremony to start within the center of each being going on this wild love journey.
My intention is to open up a space where people get in touch with the magic of their unique heart vibrations, the nectar of the flower within and start overflowing from that space of abundance in sovereignty.
The invitation is to connect with the pure life force energy beating inside of the wild heart within us all and feeling empowered to live from that place.

A wild philosopher. Integrates scientific approach with spiritual wisdom, to research consciousness and our sexual nature. This, in turn, supports people’s empowerment to know themselves better and discover deeper the essence of their peace and vitality.
Multiorgasmity & Sexual KongFu for Males
It is mainly for males, although a curious female can also join and listen.
I will share with you some tips and practices which you can take home around; how to separate ejaculation from orgasm? how to open up for experiencing multi-orgasms? how to strengthen sexual potency? how to increase sexual stamina? how to use sexuality to increase vitality? natural healthy tips on raising up testosterone levels, etc.
Some exercises will be included and a lot of theory.
Yoni Consecration Massage - The 10 Gates Journey to the Core of Creation and Back
Yoni massage for fixed couples.
Deep dive into the Yoni mysteries, which means in Sanskrit a ‘sacred space’ or ‘temple’, and refers to the female genitalia.
This workshop is for fixed couples, while at least one is a female, and will be offering her body to be seen and touched by her partner. The partner will pilgrim to the goddess’s temple, intending to meet the goddess who incarnates in every female. The serving of touch will be guided for deepening the integration of love with the touch, and in particular, deepening into the Yoni Massage mysteries. This might bring up strong feelings and deep healing.
Please bring a sarong and your favourite massage oil.

Hæ, I am Katarina, a yoga teacher, healer, massage therapist and the founder of Reykjavik Ropes.
I have a deep interest in tying/Japanese rope bondage and it´s emotional aspects like the energy and power exchange that comes with it.
I believe that tying can be experienced on many different levels and in many different ways and involves understanding and feeling yourself and your partner to get a deeper bond.
I and my partner are looking forward to giving you a glimpse into this world that lies there for you to discover it´s depths.
Reykjavik Ropes has been organizing and teaching workshops on different tying styles, approaches, techniques and other bdsm related activities for over two years now.
They have just recently opened their own new space "Spektrum Reykjavik" where they are giving space for exploring bodywork, yoga, spirituality, shibari, bdsm, sex and body positivity and gender.
Katarina (they/them/she/her) is a bodywork therapist, yogateacher and the founder of Reykjavik Ropes and Spektrum Reykjavik and their partner Karól (she/her) a long time rope practitioner and student of psychology and Tantra yoga.
They are both switches, which means they both love to tie and be tied.
They love to give forward to others who want to expand their spectrum of how we can experience human interaction on an emotional/energetical and physical level.
Shibari intro workshop
Basic introduction workshop into the art of Shibari.
Shibari is the Japanese word for "to tie" and nowadays stands for Japanese rope bondage and it´s different forms.
We believe that tying can be experienced on many different levels and in many different ways and involves understanding and feeling yourself and your partner to get a deeper bond.
This workshop will consist of:
Safety with rope
ConsentGetting familiar with your rope
& how to handle it and use it with your partner
Basic knots and knowledge about tying
Energy- and power exchange with your partner
Emotional aspects
It is no problem to come as a single person as most of the basic techniques can be practiced on yourself.
Please respect each other and each other's personal space!
I and my partner are looking forward to giving you a glimpse into this world that lies there for you to discover it´s depths.

Lilia Zaks Sokol
I came to Tantra from the world of science with 15 years of experience as a pharmacist. After deep learning and many years of spiritual personal work - I became a therapist, facilitator for couples and groups on the path of self-love and authenticity. I Have worked for over a decade with a variety of tools from the world of Theta Healing, Shamanism and Tantra. Inspires an authentic life and a connection to passion, freedom and high truth.
Dark & Light Temple
An exploratory space, a sweeping and delightful journey, where we will meet the archetypes of the dark and enlightened, predatory-prey side within us and expand our sexual perceptions.
We dare to touch on the masculine and feminine qualities that exist in us, from softness, pleasantness, gentleness to seduction, conquest, control and desire. This is done through different types of touch and energies.
Penetration Kundalini Exploring
The study of the physical body is very tangible for us, it is something we can see
And manage to feel.
But the physical body is only part of the whole picture. We are energetic beings and as such we have an energetic body with its own anatomy and its own structure of laws. The energetic body connects us to the energy of all other living beings . In the workshop we will explore our energetic bodies , we will try to feel the aura, we will go through the chakras, we will try to understand how this energy is driven and we will explore the energetic interaction with the one in front of us.
Is there indeed an energetic penetration? Is it pleasurable? Can I really move the energy of the universe through me and through those around me? Let's check it out together.

Lotus & Adeya ~ Twin flame
I am vessel of creation and colours, dancing within the cosmic cycles of chance, simply a blend of earth and sky matter. I reverence to the voice and wisdom of our plant and fungi allies
Earth Body ~ Sister Cirkel
Dear sister,
We gather to reflect the beauty of our feminine vessel - our earth bodies. Seen and felt trough a sisters eyes and hands. We will let patterns flow freely and colours bloom upon our sisters snakeskin.
We will adorn the beauty of our naked painted sisters, dancing as living art, celebrating the bliss in beauty.
May it be a gathering of embodied wonderous play, and a rememberance of our sacred goddess nature.

Marisu Sulido
Hi, I'm Susanne Marie Volkmer aka Marisu Sulidu, forest fairy, drum witch and dance elf with a passion for bright colors and the ocean of touch ... with my highly sensitive senses I accompany people as a body researcher in their individual processes - or abduct them with magical sounds in other worlds. As a free artist I manifest your visions on canvas, as a practitioner I offer Body-Enlightenment and Armour-Lifting-Bodywork. I am in love with this beautiful planet since 1987 and located in the north east of Germany right now- looking for a new community of affection and people to cocreate with.
Journey into your juice
Connecting to your body, your nature and your wild parts- vibrating breath, sound and movement- brings you in a natural flow. Allow yourself to follow the magnetic attraction and your impulses will lead you exactly to the experience you need.
You will journey deep into yourself. Relaxing into your breath. Supported by a blindfold, music and my voice. Allowing yourself to surrender to the moment and what’s moving inside of you. Following your impulses without judgement leads you to a beautiful flow. You can support yourself with movements, sounds and touch- nudity is welcome if you feel like taking of clothes at anytime. You are invited to connect to your inner wild parts- you may find contact to your animal body. While your body is vibrating more and more- beautiful encounter with yourself and others are possible.

Matilda Gregersdotter
Matilda is one of the creators of Wild Love Celabration - Iceland. Author of the book Daily Sex, on Amazon. She is a pioneer in transformational work in Iceland. She was born in Sweden and lives for more than 20 years in Iceland with her husband for 25 years and 4 children, dows, dogs, cat and her coaching school www.evolvia.is. She is a master certified coach with the International Coach Federation and has trained most professional coaches in Iceland. She is a tantrica and gives tantric massage sessions as her divine self-development and gift. She is the organiser of ISTA Iceland. Her life is about enhancing our evolution in the most enjoyable and effective ways.
Daily Sex
Sharing from the author Matilda herself about how to live a life with daily sex. She shares how she prepare and organiser her living around pleasure.
Coaching Sexuality
While sexuality is our core and most personal area. To talk to someone about we work and what we would love to improve is a genuinely dear function. In this workshop, we will demonstrate coach conversation around the sex and also will each participant practise some moments of a coaching conversation. We will work in pairs and this is a talk session.
Sensual Contact Improvisation
A workshop where the music leads us into enjoying our own inner energy of sensuality. You will interact softly with yourself and other bodies. Our inner flow of sexuality and life energy is constantly flowing through our system but does not always get attention. In this workshop, your inner world will be in your focus, while you will be lead to explore and allow your own sensations.
The Art of Conscious Touch through Sounding Meditation
- Facilitated with Pasha Krem
What happens during physical interaction? Do we want to give something to our partner, get something from him, or do we turn into a conductor of energy and merge into a single flow? During our session, we will talk about the principles of conscious touch, how to use them during various practices and in life.We will open our session with an Osho Nadabrahma meditation.
This meditation is based on a old Tibetan method & has been updated by Osho. It is a mantra meditation. This meditation heals the heart centre of the body, calms the mind, balances the emotions & recharges your energy. Through humming all the cells of the body mind start vibrating & it has a tremendous positive effect on the body mind. It is a technique to open us for trust & bring us to peace & serenity. This is a beautiful meditation to practising witnessing.

Mathias Love
Mathias Love is a travelling musician and space holder. He held tantric workshops and song circles in many gatherings around the world over the last 5 years. His aim his to create spaces where everyone feels confortable and is allowed to slip into blissful states of consciousness with ease.
Eyegazing & Breathplay
Eyegazing & Breathplay // Moving around the room and playing with each others by breathing, making sounds and connecting with games. Finding a partner and exchanging breath and eye contact to raise the vibration. Ending in a big group hug/cuddle puddle with breath and chants.
Look into my I and see you who are. Feel the intimate contact of the soft gaze of another being, connect with the breath and become one in bliss. Let pleasure permeate every cell of every soul around you and sink into the ecstatic oneness of tantric union.
Ring of Fire Song Circle
Powerful mantra and medicine songs circle, that can move from Yin energies to Yang and end in relaxing prayers.
Angel Walk
Bringing participants into alignments with their higher angelic selves and invite them to share the love they found to each others. Two rows of giving people and slowly passing between them to receive.
Connect to your higher angelic self and share the love and light of the hight spheres with your brothers and sisters. Feel the infinite peace and compassion that the realm of Angels can bring to the world of humans. With softness and love, we walk into the light together.

Michaela Yoga
Michaela is a free spirit, wild heart and hippie soul, passionately sharing love through a gift of yoga she had received. The connection of the body, mind and soul had transformed her life completely and it is her purpose to spread it wherever she travels.
Wild Yoga Flow
Feel alive in your body. Feel deeply connected to your core, your center, your heart beat. Awaken your inner wild self and bring the most vibrant version of yourself to the world!
In led class we will breathe, shed the layers, open our hearts, stretch and strengthen every part of our body, feel alive and aligned to our higher self. Wild Yoga Flow brings feeling of love and freedom within. Let yourself to receive deep healing relaxation, touch, aromatherapy and massage in the end.

Nadine TaRa Goldau
My name is Nadine TaRa. I was born and raised in Germany yet feel at home on this mother planet earth. Dancing has always been a resource of joy, healing and life energy for me. I dance in a free expressive way since my early childhood. I am also a medical doctor, a sister, a chosen mother, a friend, a lover - and so much more. I am a prism person (having chosen to embrace my multi-facettet being). Depending from what angle you look at me, you will see me differently. Currently I am letting the light shine through me.
Dancing life
Dancing life - inspired by the Biodanza system by Rolando Toro, dancing life was born to give a frame space to us letting life dance through us. It combines everything. Everything? Well, everything that wants to come up. Emotions, feelings, movement, sound. There will be music. There will be guidance. It may be deep. We may fly high. That's up to us.
Water dance
Dancing in water. Floating. Bathing in bliss.
We will explore dancing in water together. How does it feel to be in the water? How do I move differently when I am floating in water? How do I connect with others when I am floating? How does it feel to dance to music in water?
This is our experience. We will create it together. There will be music. There will be guidance. And there will be us.

Natascha Fischer
Through the practice of sacred sexuality, she strives to embody the life force energy that is Love. By connecting face to face, body to body and engaging in delicate and open communication. For there is much healing to be obtained from physical intimacy and through touch when you connect from the heart. Unveiling shame and acknowledging the shadows we all carry in order to weave love into all aspects of our life.
Exploring the senses through taste and touch
The sensation of touch, as well as our sense of taste and texture, is heightened when we do not have our sight to rely on. This is a fun and playful way to be indulged by another as well as building trust and intimacy with a lover or a friend.

Natha Yogacenter / Magdalena and Serafim
Magdalena and Serafim have both studied yoga and tantra since 1992 and have taught since 1996. They where among the first pupils in NATHA YOGACENTER, Denmark and where instrumental in building and forming the school. They have held lectures, courses and workshops in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Romania and other places.
The backbone of Tantra
Introduction to the basic cornerstones of erotic Tantra; Sexual Continence or Brahmacharya, Sublimation or refinement of the resulting energy and its channeling towards higher aspect of our being; Transfiguration or the superior and constructive way of perceiving the world.
In this workshop we will get to know how sexuality can become our spiritual power plant. Our erotic energy can fuel our spiritual aspirations, but it needs to be conquered and guided towards desired ends.
We will try out some physical exercises and mental techniques that can enable us to control our erotic potential. This can allow men to learn to postpone ejaculation permanently, while both partners enjoy multiple orgasms.
The exercises are performed individually or in a couple, and their goal is to attain perfect control over one’s erotic energies. These energies can then become the fuel that empower our life and evolution.
The result of becoming sexually continent is massively increased level of energy that can be used on all levels of our being. That also leads to greater responsibility, as the impact of our actions is greater.

Oli Ben
Óli Ben has been in training to carry shamanic rhythm and sacred chants for over 5 years. He has dedicated his life to sharing sacred songs and music as a service to the wholeness of the Earth.
Growing up with his brother Alseny Sylla who is a master djembe player and a great teacher to Óli. Alseny took him to Africa where he studied native original djembe rhythms. Shortly later he was taken under the wing of Aum Prakash, medicine worker and sacred song carrier and was invited to Hawaii to continue his training in carrying the medicine of plants and medicine songs. There he studied about shamanic rhythms and sacred chants.
He has been facilitating ceremonies and sacred circles for about 5 years in Iceland.
"My drum is my heart beat, love my medicine, I tune into my heart again and again. Our drum circle is An emanation of Unconditional love, hope to see you there."
-Óli Ben
Sound is our life force, music is the key.
Drum Circle and Sacred Chants
Tuning into our hearts together with Cacao.
Opening sacred Space and connecting our hearts.
Connecting with our inner rhythm and getting our selves into wholistic rhythm. Connecting with our drum and the unified drum field.
Learning simple rhythms to carry.
Teaching sacred chants and chanting together with our drums.
Co-creating and radiating a unified drum and chant prayer field.
Closing by sending our gratitude and love down to the heart of the Earth.

Pasha Krem
I propose to accompany you to a conscious lifestyle that leads to a feeling of boundless happiness, unconditional love and endless pleasure.
In my work, I use ancient practices adapted for a modern person in combination with principles based on the latest scientific discoveries in the field of nutrition, physical activity, sleep.
I am Tantra practitioner. I teach Tantra and give Tantra-massage, meditation and coaching sessions.
I`m based in Germany, and I give on-line sessions as well.
The Art of Conscious Touch through Sounding Meditation
- Facilitated together with Matilda GregersdotterConscious touch as the basis of all massage practices and meditative authentic interaction.
What happens during physical interaction? Do we want to give something to our partner, get something from him, or do we turn into a conductor of energy and merge into a single flow? During our session, we will talk about the principles of conscious touch, how to use them during various practices and in life.
We will open our session with an Osho Nadabrahma meditation. This meditation is based on a old Tibetan method & has been updated by Osho. It is a mantra meditation. This meditation heals the heart centre of the body, calms the mind, balances the emotions & recharges your energy. Through humming all the cells of the body mind start vibrating & it has a tremendous positive effect on the body mind. It is a technique to open us for trust & bring us to peace & serenity. This is a beautiful meditation to practising witnessing.

Per Scheffer
Per is a certified tantra therapist that is passionate about creating pleasure and intimacy through touch, presence and safety. He loves using breathwork to guide the body into ecstasy and bliss.
Per is available for tantra therapy sessions in Stockholm.
Conscious Touch
How can intent affect touch? Can the one taking action be the one receiving?
With a base in The Wheel of Consent, we explore touch, presence and intent by warming up into our hearts and our hands before exploring touch with a partner.

Radhika Gaya
I am Tantra practitioner. I teach Tantra, Tantra yoga and conscious sexuality in workshops and one-on-one sessions.
I`m based in Israel, and I give on-line sessions as well.
Conscious BDSM
In this workshop we are going to discover the exciting world of BDSM. after a short talk and understanding the "rules of the game", and a tizzing demonstration, we are going to awaken our senses and explore our boundaries. merging the worlds of Tantra and BDSM to go high... on fun and pleasure, playing in couples. one should come with a partner. (from any gender)
Sex Magic
How can you transform the sexual energy into a spiritual one?
How can you transcend and connect to divinity through the sexual energy?
I invite you to connect into the inner you, to live yourself fully through conscious breath.
in this workshop we will learn and experience what sex magic is all about,
and practice moving this sexual energy around through breathing and self-pleasure, and create magic with it.

Shaft Uddin is a Speaker, Coach, Somatic Trauma Release Therapist and Transformation Facilitator and is the founder of Sacred Sexual Awakening.com
Shaft’s mission is to find world peace through intimacy. So there’s no more blaming and shaming between men and women but transparent communication, authenticity, shared vulnerability and co-creation.
“I am on a journey to make tantra as popular as yoga as a form of mindfulness and meditation. And to bring it into schools so children can learn about healthy boundaries and consent from a young age, so sex education isn’t just about fear but about love and connection.
I believe with tantra we can cure all addiction with connection.
We can overcome depression and anxiety by becoming present.
And heal loneliness by finding the one. Ourselves.”
Shaft has supported countless men and women overcome sexual trauma and connecting back to themselves. He creates safe spaces for people to connect with themselves and others through rituals, play parties, retreats and workshops all over the world. His work has reached over 38.7 million people via social media and various other media outlets including the BBC, Vice, Times magazine, The Guardian and many more. His viral video about tantra reached over 15 million people, this is the most viewed video on tantra ever made. Shaft also consults major brand such as Samsung, Mercedes and Disney in creating content.
View his viral video which reached 30 Million people here:
The School of Self-Love
Shaft Uddin will take you on a journey into a playful and powerful process of taking off the layers for you to step into your truth.
We use simple tools to overcome our own limited belief systems and reprogram our neurological pathways to awaken our full potential.
This results in a more sexually liberated juicier life full of synchronicities, and being in a constant flow state.
‘I love my life, I love my body, I love myself’ – This is the mantra for THE SCHOOL OF SELF LOVE
Shaft Uddin will take you on a journey into a playful and powerful process of taking off the layers for you to step into your truth.
We use simple tools to overcome our own limited belief systems and reprogram our neurological pathways to awaken our full potential.
This results in a more sexually liberated juicier life full of synchronicities, and being in a constant flow state.
Let go of society's conditioning and discovering who you really are.
You are a prayer. You are a living temple. Make self-love your daily.

Shezza Walters is a Tantra teacher, hypnotherapist, and Sex/relationship coach. She has a passion for helping people to love all parts of themselves and find freedom within. She combines the spirituality and the sexy in an innovative and fun way. She helps people connect to their own heart, find more pleasure in their bodies, and have more fulfilling intimacy with others while seeing the Divine Beauty in all of life. Her book The Sexy New Earth will be published fall 2021.
Pleasure Heart Puja
In this Pleasure Pool Puja we will begin with an embodied Self Love practice so we can step into our pleasure and power. We will then be guided through vulnerable, playful, and sensual exercises to connect us to ourselves, our bodies, and each other. We will be rotating to explore with different partners. All of your boundaries will be respected, and you can join in the yum whether you are inside or out of the pool. We will end with a dance celebration of Wild Love!
Yoni Adoration Ceremony
In this fun, healing, and profound ceremony, we will have the opportunity to explore the power and beauty of our vaginas! Most women never have their yonis (Tantric term for pussy) observed outside of a sexual or medical setting. And most heterosexual women have never had the chance to just check out with curiosity and wonder a variety of yonis outside of watching porn.
It’s time for change! In this playshop of pussy Empowerment, the yoni will be adored and celebrated in all shapes and sizes... clitoris, pubic hair, redness, shining lips and all. We will have the chance to gaze in wonderment at other women’s pussies, and will also have a chance to have our pussy adored as the divine temple that it is.
After all... the yoni is where all of life comes from. It’s a portal for creativity and incredible amounts of pleasure. In ancient India, yoni worshipping was a common practice, and we’re bringing it back into fashion!
We will begin by vulnerably sharing with each other with the intention of releasing shame and owning our glorious sexuality. Then we will move into the yoni adoration ritual, AkA, pussy church! We will get the chance to eye up and celebrate the yoni, as well as harness the infinite yoni power to imbue our prayers and create heaven on earth.
We will not be touching eachother’s yonis and all of your boundaries will be honored. Come to connect with other women in a fun, healing, and transformational way. (For female identified.)
The Art of Sensual Massage
Learn the art of Tantric touch with sensual touch magician Shezza. We begin by connecting deeply with our partner and then getting clear with our boundaries and desires as well as how to communicate them for greater intimacy. Then we will practice the art of touching for our own pleasure, followed by the five elements of touch, and other sensuous techniques. We will use breath sound and movement for greater potency. Allow magic to flow through your hands as we dive deep into the healing potency of sensual massage (no genitals). Ideally you will come with a partner as we will work with one person the whole time, but you can also find someone there.

Thora Kolbrun Thorarinsdottir
Thora Kolbrun, Gísli Rafn & Sunneva have been working together for 2 years with Kap. They have hosted multiple events during those 2 years. They have offered it in combination with breath work, cacao ceremonies, dance, Kirtan, tantric exercises, meditations and more.
They have offered events both online and in different towns and studios in Iceland.
Kap (Kundalini Activation Process)
KAP is a direct Kundalini Transmission that activates the Awakening of the Kundalini. Spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realisations. But these are just some of the side effects that can and do happen.
KAP is a direct energy transmission that activates the Kundalini awakening process. Spontaneous movements can and does arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realisations. But these are just some of the side effects that can and do happen.
A profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure. Every “symptom” or sign of a kundalini awakening, from the earliest signs to the later end manifestations, are seen regularly in participants.
The Kundalini Activation Process, is a natural transmission process, and not a self-willed or self-generating process. This is the path of surrender, not the path of will. It is different to other self-generating wilful practises or kundalini experiences (such as Tantra, Chi Gong or Kundalini Yoga).
It is a natural process that won't shock your system in any way, this Kundalini energy has an intelligence that will do exactly what your system needs at that very moment in time.
You lie down on a yoga mat. Some music is played. The facilitator touches or presses some of the chakra or meridian points on your body. That’s it. That’s all that happens on the outside. What happens on the inside is a totally different story.
Breath, Sound and Movement
We would start by opening up our voices. Then we would go into tantric exercises were we will use breath, sound and movement. We will end the session in a circle holding hands were we will go into a breath work which is guided through all the chakras.
Let's activate and free our biological prana through breath, sound and movement so it can become a spiritual force and help us return to the source which it came from.
Typically we are loosing a-lot of energy through the mind. It gets hammarished down and out. Instead of having a bowl at the base of our spine holding our energy, we have a bowl with lots of holes in it. Were it all gets drained out. As that energy begins to build within us, we begin to build more spirit-force within us.
So as that energy begins to build within you, you begin to build more spirit-force with in you.
By using breath, sound and movement we can support our system to clear blocks which limit our emotional, mental and energetic perception.

Tiffany Mc Swaker
Tiffany is a dance artist, performance maker, and movement researcher from France. Founder of The Transcendental Embodiment (TTE), she facilitates dance and healing practices (TTE and Contact Beyond Contact) in workshops, one-on-one, as well as online. Her approach to movement and dance integrates body-mind interconnection, emotional consciousness, energy work, healing modalities, and spirituality.
Besides her work as a facilitator, Tiffany is an apprentice dancer at the Iceland Dance company.
The Transcendental Embodiment
The Transcendental Embodiment (TTE) emerges from a movement philosophy research entitled Behind & Beyond, to its phenomenological understanding. The metaphysical unity of the tangible and intangibles bodies expounds the undeniable relationships between those in the physical realm. The tangible body (the material vehicle), the intangibles bodies (psychological, emotional, energetical, and spiritual).
Dance can be a practice of introspection, transformation, and transcendence of one’s subjective experiences into a worldwide journey.
The Transcendental Embodiment combines a meditative approach in stillness and through movement for awakening the mind and spreading the awareness into different body parts.
As a dance healing practice, TTE is guiding the participants to conscious corporeality, and subjective emotional understanding through improvisation, musicality, intuitive movement, expressivity, and energy flow.
With non-self definition, self-care, integrity, and acceptance, psychological benefits may arise and help the participant to overcome the limits that are holding him away from his self-achievement potentiality.
Contact Beyond Contact
Dance is a practice that can bring the body into a sensitive state that understands, acknowledges, and accepts what the heart needs to express for eventually healing the spirit.
Contact Beyond Contact endorse dance as a healing practice accessible to all. It connects different dance styles and healing modalities for personal growth and personal and collective awareness with psychological benefits as in healing relationships.
Contact Beyond Contact is a dance improvisation practice aiming to create a safe space of integrity in synergy in which all people can transform, and heal the body, mind, heart, and spirit.
This movement practice integrates Contact Improvisation (CI), Passing Through (PT), Authentic Movement (AM), Qi Gong, yoga, and healing modalities.
Together, we will be co-creating a harmonious environment through the principles of behaviorism, and leadership skills to create healthy and holistic relationships with oneself and with another.

Tristan Elizabeth Gribbin
Tristan is the founder of Flow and is super passionate about bringing meditation to the world. Tristan’s Flow meditations, in virtual reality and online via Flow’s mobile apps have touched the lives of many thousands of people. Tristan grew up in Palo Alto, California, and she worked as an actress in theatre, television and films until 2004. Since then she has focused on her path of transformation with a strong emphasis on meditation and deep spiritual work. She is an expert in Modern-Day Meditation™ and in Breathwork. You can find Tristan’s articles about meditation on www.flow.is, TEDx, Forbes, and Harvard Business Review.
Loving Flow
Feel positive transformational energy permeate your entire being as you complete an entire Flow Meditation cycle:
Let go
Designed to deliver a life changing experience of deep meditation. Expect a miracle.
Tristan will guide a two hour Flow meditation starting with some brief preparatory ground work. Be ready to transform. This is a deep dive into meditation where you can move through internal blocks and get freed up of binding emotions, judgements or beliefs. You will emerge feeling more alive, connected and clear about your most important life directions.

Þórhildur Magnúsdóttir
Þórhildur (Thorhildur) is a yoga teacher and relationship enthusiast. She spends most of her time researching what makes good relationships and communicates in an authentic about way her journey to help and inspire others on her platform Sundur & Saman. She draws on knowledge from from yoga, buddhism, social science and the wisdom of non-monogamy. A yoga teacher, mother, wife, engineer-economist she seeks to find a balance between the practical and the spiritual in all areas of life.
Yoga for Better Sex
This workshop explores the connection between yoga practice and sex. You will learn in which ways yoga can help you enhance the connection of your body, mind and soul and how it will translate into you experiencing better sex.
Yoga is good for everything and in this workshop we will explore several ways you can focus a yoga practice to enhance your sex life. You will learn how some key yoga poses are beneficial for your body for sex, what muscles need to be strong and flexible and in general how yoga pose principles can help in any sex position to increase ease and enjoyment. State of mind, self-knowledge, mindfulness and breathing also play a pivotal role and we practice how to increase awareness of these areas for a more present and enjoyable practice - both for yoga and sex!
Demystifying non-monogamy
Non-monogamy is on the rise yet many feel timid about exploring or perhaps contemplating the option for themselves. This is a short intro into some of modern days practice of non-monogamy and an answer to the most common questions.
Non-monogamy is on the rise and for many individuals it can be a solution to some of today’s relationship struggles. Yet still many people feel timid about exploring or perhaps even contemplating the option for themselves. This talk covers the most common ways people today practice non-monogamy, what are some common initiations, challenges and learning along the way. An intro into open relationships, polyamory, swinging and relationship anarchy told with a societal lens informed with a lot of wisdom and experience and answers to the most common questions curious people have about non-monogamy.

Ira is one of the organisers of Wild love and the director of Sólsetrið, a Centre recognising the collective human calling to remember it SELF. Celebrating and offering creative and healing ways in which we return to this zero point. She is a Shamanic Healer and Life Artist with a professional background as a Production Designer within Film and TV. Born into Icelandic village life but subsequently living 25 yrs in London, Linda returned to this land with her child Alexander in belly evolving a multi-skilled dynamic of work including: creating Film, Theatre, Play Areas, Festivals, Interior Designs, Book Illustrations, Exhibitions, Playful Workshops, Lecturing and Teaching. https://www.facebook.com/linda.m.stefansdottir
Shamanic Breathwork
Many of us are on a journey of reclaiming ever more the awareness and sense of who we are. For the many levels of the I Am, we discover ways in which the magical, mystery of our full potential can be revealed. Indeed our sensual, sexual Creator Being is often masked by layers of conscious and unconscious matter that may be moved my Breath. In partnership with another, overseen by Ýra, you are invited to enter a journey in a safe sacred container where music and breath bring you to potential states of deep transformation. Each individual journey looks, feels different but one thing is guaranteed you will meet with yourSelf in exactly the way you are ready for at this moment. Requirements: Loose comfortable clothing Each person will express their boundaries as far as touch before the session begins.